Thursday, November 28, 2013

Fripp 'n Eno

Tune in to SoundScape on YVFM 99.1 from 9pm to midnight for the best ambient music, or get it streamed live from the website

This week (Thursday Nov 28) I will be playing tracks by some big names: Fripp & Eno, some Kraftwerk, a bit of Tangerine Dream, Pink Floyd, as well as music by Ken Elkinson, URBS, Pete Namlook, Ghost Marrow and more.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Voice and Music

Tune in to SoundScape from 9pm Thursdays on YVFM 99.1 or get it streamed live from the website.

This week I will play a section of 'ethereal' female vocalists, featuring some tracks by newcomer Tei Shi, alt/folky Brooke Waggoner and veteran artist Bjork.

I have some Pink Floyd to play as well, and there will be lots of other nice ambient to settle your spirit near the end of this week.